this is my deck. its a very crappy beatdown deck and i was wandering if i could get help
EP1-EN005 peten the dark clownEP1-EN005 peten the dark clownEP1-EN005 peten the dark clownLOD-042 troop dragon LOD-042 troop dragonLOD-042 troop dragonMFC-065 skilled dark magicianDCR-051 kaiser gliderMRL-077 cyber jarMRD-126 barrel dragon SKE-001 blue-eyes white dragonBPT-009 blue-eyes white dragonIOC-000 chaos emperor dragonDCR-063 great maju garzettSKE-015 kaiser sea horseBPT-011 jinzoLOD-035 spear dragonIOC-075 black tyrannoSDY-004 summoned skullMFC-058 luster dragonDCR-012 reflect bounderDCR-008 guardian baouSOD-EN019 ninja grandmaster sasukeCTI-EN002 blade knightCTI-EN002 blade knightLON-000 gemini elfMFC-061 amazoness swords womanPSV-094 goblin attack forceIOC-013 berserk gorillaBPT-J01 beast of talwar (jap.)LOD-071 asura priestspells(12)SDY-022 dark holeLOB-053 raigekiSKE-032 change of heartDCR-035 wicked breaking flamberge-baouLON-050 mage powerSKE-039 premature burialSDY-030 monster rebornAST-038 burst stream of destructionAST-043 earthquakeSDP-040 graceful charityAST-040 amplifierIOC-045 reloadtraps(9)IOC-SE3 ring of destructionAST-107 des counterblowP4-06 magic cylinder(jap)DCR- 102 sakuretsu armorSDP-044 wabokuMRD-138 mirror forcePGD-105 Rope of life
As i told this other guy, KEEP THE RATIO OF CARDS TO 50/50