Hi well, I have a big big big problem y have been playing yugioh since magic ruler and I am a cloector so I have all cards from LOB to FET and almos all problems. I have a chaos advanced deck but no matter what I do, I keep lossing, (against strong decks) please help me to make a goog advance deck, chaos or any other, the cards are not the problem for me I afford for any one. thanks I will wait for a champion deck Im counting on it. bye.
O.K buddy just post ya deck, tell me the type you want and I'll do my best (by the way, dont think you gotta win to have fun 'cause that's just not wot yugioh's all about)
Black luster soldier-Envoy of the bginning Jinzo Zaborg the tunder monarch
(dark) Mad dog of darkness x2 Archfiend soldier Skilled dark magician Breaker themagical warrior Spirit reeper x2
(light) Blade knight D. D. Warrior lady Shaining Angel x3 Reflect bounder Freed the brave wanderer Magician of faith
(water) Tribe infectin virus
Spell: Premature Burial Heavy storm Enemy controler Creature swap Graceful charity scapegoat x2 pot of greed Mystical Space Thypoon Painful choice Snatch steal Reload
Trap: Call of the hunted Torrential tribute nightmare wheel divine wrath curse of darkness Ring of destrucion Mirror Force Magic cylinder
And thats all I'm realy glad that you had help me and its not that i just want to win, but it will be good that i could just be a good oponent in a turnament. Thank for yuor help and you can move any thing in the deck i will do it. (Black luster soldier can be sumoned by tribute????????????)
It's ok but you heve designed it on the principle that if you include all the best cards (staples) according to the net an magazines you will win. you wont
Try to base your deck on a specific card or set of cards like a black luster- envoy deck or a horus deck with all the cards chosen to help your main one. Also I wouldnt play chaose cos its played so much everyone has all the essential cards to stop it!!
I honestly don't like the deck that you are using. A few of the cards are okay but I think you can do much better. I barely ever lose a duel so I suggest you take my advice. Instead of just using 1 Mystical Space Typhoon have another for a backup. Better: have a couple of Dust Tornados on u and then you will be able to set another spell or trap on the field after the card has been used. One of the decks I have is a remove from play deck. With this deck I remove from play my cards and my opponets cards with both monsters and spells and traps. Then I have a return from the Different dimension card to bring all the cards back. If you have a black Luster Soldier Card which is an Earth Monster you should get more Earth Monsters. This way you will be able to use more spells like field cards to your advantage.