hey guys i made a new burn deck that need to be reviewed. i'd appreciate it if u helped me with it here it is:
fire princess
spirit reaper
lava golem x2
solar flare dragon x2
raging flame sprite
cannon soldier x2
des koala
cyber jar
magician of faith
peten the dark clown x3
twin headed behemoth
scapegoat x2
book of moon
mystical space typhoon
ookazi x3
mask of the accursed
swords of revealing light
poison of the old man
the dark door
messenger of peace
gravity bind x3
judgement of anubis
ominous fortunetelling
secret barrel
waboku x2
magic cylinder
call of the haunted
torrential tribute
cemetery bomb
magic jammer
ring of destruction
barrel behind the door
total-45 cards
thats my whole deck thanks for helping me!