My favorite cards are dragons and warriors. Thats all my deck is. it needs help though so send ur suggestions to my e-mail.
blue eyes white dragon x2
buster blader
thousand dragon
luster dragon x2
armed dragon lv5 x2
rare metal dragon
paladin of white dragon
dark blade x2
warrior dai grepher
mirage dragon x2
little wingaurd
baby dragon
lord of d
familiar knight
armed dragon lv3 x2
spirit ryu
disc fighter
hayabusa knight
trap master
time wizard
dragon piper
magic 17
smashing ground
dragons gunfire
block attack
the warrior retuning alive
graceful charity
dark factory of mass production
emblem of dragon destroyer
the flute of summoning dragon
stamping destruction
lightning blade
sword of deep seated
fairy meteor crush
premature burial
white dragon ritual
mystical space typhoon
Traps 7
robbin goblin
robbin zombie
DNA surgery
dragons rage
spellbinding circle
backup soldier
so that is it. my deck. i call it a beat down deck cause that is all i do. i kill their monsters to get to their life points please though i need help to make it the best. i wanna make a name in the dueling community so that is y i need help
pls help just email me cards u think will better my deck and help
Always treat rare metal dragon like a tribute monsterand only have 3 tributes max. (I wouldnt use him as he's quite difficult to summon except by flute of summoning dragon and familiar knight)